The Shadow Work & Spiritual Entrepreneurship Guide is an expansion of thoughts and lessons that have come from our journey in striving towards self-sustainability and reclamation of our mind, body, spirit, time, and life force energy. It's written as my contribution to the vision of what upholding a New Earth Wealth would look like if we chose to tap into our unique, spiritual calling, creating intentionally from the heart rather than in the interest of capitalistic gain.
It explores the Shadow Work aspects of spiritual entrepreneurship, the decolonization of wealth and business, establishing healthy boundaries through determining our worth, the process of following your spiritual calling, and how this all ties into releasing blockages around money and finances.
This book is an extension of The Shadow Work Workbook series and provides deeper insight into section VIII of The Shadow Work Workbook, "Money Matters."
The New Earth Wealth Handbook: Shadow Work & Spiritual Entrepreneurship (e-book)
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